How and where to publish your data paper? - Other Geoscientific Model Development
Accueil Your needs Highlighting your data How and where to publish your data paper? Geoscientific Model Development
- Title Geoscientific Model Development
- Publisher European Geosciences Union; Copernicus publication
- Editorial line Open-access journal featuring articles about earth-system science, with descriptions of geoscience and statistical models, new ways of comparing model results with data observation, model experiment descriptions including project experiment details and protocols.
- Economic model Open-access journal with publication fees: $77 to $93 per page.
- Reviewing process The review process consists of two stages: initial assessment by reviewers, then the article is sent to the GMDD scientific discussion forum.Instructions for authors are available here.
- License Recommendations for codes and data directly linked to digital-model development are available here. Articles are published under the CC BY license.